Overcoming Fear
Fear is a total liar.
Like a TOTAL liar.
Like the BIGGEST liar Ever.
Recently I've been struggling with some things. Some pretty rough things. I thought that if I told my mom about it, she would be mad and she would blow up at me. Guess what...I told her. And guess what...she was really nice about it. Like really really nice. She prayed with me, she gave me a plan to overcome the problem and she supports me and helps me along the way. Best mom ever, right? Yes but that's not the point of this blog post. The point is, fear (Satan) kept telling me, you're a terrible person, no one could love you after what you did, your mom will hate you, your family will never treat you the same, don't tell your parents, keep it in the darkness. Satan's name literally means "Prince of Darkness", he wants you to keep your sins in the dark, where he can lie and deceive you. God is in the light. Once you tell someone what you did, it loses its power. God wants us to repent and turn away from our sin. He is always going to be there for you, even when no one else is. I don't know your home situation so I'm not gonna sit here and say "your mom will totally be amazingly kind to you" and I'm truly sorry if that's not how it is for you. But I do know that if you turn to God and repent your sins, the sin loses its power along with Satan.
Here is a song that can help: Fear Is A Liar
Much Love,
Izabell :)
Like a TOTAL liar.
Like the BIGGEST liar Ever.
Recently I've been struggling with some things. Some pretty rough things. I thought that if I told my mom about it, she would be mad and she would blow up at me. Guess what...I told her. And guess what...she was really nice about it. Like really really nice. She prayed with me, she gave me a plan to overcome the problem and she supports me and helps me along the way. Best mom ever, right? Yes but that's not the point of this blog post. The point is, fear (Satan) kept telling me, you're a terrible person, no one could love you after what you did, your mom will hate you, your family will never treat you the same, don't tell your parents, keep it in the darkness. Satan's name literally means "Prince of Darkness", he wants you to keep your sins in the dark, where he can lie and deceive you. God is in the light. Once you tell someone what you did, it loses its power. God wants us to repent and turn away from our sin. He is always going to be there for you, even when no one else is. I don't know your home situation so I'm not gonna sit here and say "your mom will totally be amazingly kind to you" and I'm truly sorry if that's not how it is for you. But I do know that if you turn to God and repent your sins, the sin loses its power along with Satan.
Here is a song that can help: Fear Is A Liar
Much Love,
Izabell :)
amen to that