Bad Days (handling the lows of life)
Hiiiii! It's me again!
Life has been hitting me hard lately. I've been exhausted, sad, depressed, lonely, abnormally hungry, angry, irritable. I know that Satan is very angry that I've been spending so much time with God and he hates when I choose to focus on the good in my life. He sends a lot of emotion and anger towards me and I have to fight it.
SOOOOO. I decided to give y'all a guide for getting through the lows.
1. Identify the aches and pains- this could mean physically or mentally. Examine your heart and mind. What's hurting? What needs some attention?
2. Journal- journaling always helps me get my brain out onto paper. It helps me unwind the mess in my head and make it make sense.
3. Pray- praying for my body, my mind, and my soul is a very valuable thing. God knows our heart and He makes all things new. He knows just how to heal me up again. He knows how to make me whole.
4. Physical- your body runs on a few things: food, water, oxygen. Make sure you're eating enough, drinking enough water, and breathing well. Your body is the temple of the Lord so please take care of it. It always helps me to work out because it releases endorphins that make me soooo much happier.
5. Sleep- your body NEEDS sleep. It can never feel its best if you aren't sleeping. Make sure to get a full 9 hours of sleep every night. You will wake up feeling soooo much better. A little power nap also never hurt anybody.
6. Hormones- hormones are critical to your overall mental and physical health. Do some research about the different types of hormones your body needs every day. Find ways to induce those hormones on a regular basis. My favorite way to boost my serotonin is looking at pictures of fluffy animals XD.
7. Hygiene- taking a hot shower, washing your face, brushing your teeth are great ways to feel more put together and energized. If you want a challenge, try to spend 30 seconds of your shower in cold water, it helps your blood flow and increases the immune system.
8. Music- listening to some calming music while I breathe deeply is 100% guaranteed to make me feel better. It boosts a ton of hormones as well! My current fave playlist is: Calming Music
If you spend about 10 minutes on each thing, you should feel better in about 1 hr, 20 min! That's crazy that it just a little bit, our entire mindset can change.
Keep going. You can do this. Take some time to do this for yourself. I understand how rough some days are. You got this. Just breathe. Pray. God's got you.
On your side,
Izzy <3
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