Leaving Behind The COVID-19

Ok, I've held my tongue long enough. What is happening to us? Why are we suddenly so scared of everything that jumps in front of us. I know this thing is serious but COME ON. You may be wondering what I'm getting at here, so here it is. Why are we staying home letting are immune systems practically drift away, when we should be out strengthening our immune systems ready to battle this thing? There are two ways for this to go: 1. You stay home, your immune systems get weak, you go out to get groceries, you get coronavirus, you die. OR 2. You go outside to malls, parks, restaurants, etc., you get coronavirus, your immune system has been revealed to enough good bacteria and you survive the coronavirus. 
Obviously there are other outcomes if you have underlined medical conditions, please stay safe in however that looks for you.

I would love to talk if you disagree, just wanted to get my thoughts out there. 

Much Love, Izabell 


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